Monday 3 October 2011

What's that noise?

It's finally arrived! When i got home (a few days back, but i haven't managed to find time to listen and post about it until now) the new switchfoot album was lying in my post box, ready for eager ears to listen to. I won't bore you with details but it is brilliant, and i still haven't quite decided how good compared to their other albums, but it is easily in the top 2 for me. If you like a bit of rock then give it a listen, and if you prefer more slow/ quiet music then also give it a listen because there's a good mix of both.

I was going to try and make that stretch out a bit more, since for days it's the only thing i could think to write about, but then i decided (after some quite random, but normal, conversations with my friends) to just do a whole post about many different music (sounds? i'm not sure some can be counted as music) from around the web. Then i had the great idea of maybe doing my top 10 songs then other top 10s in my life, so watch this space as i might use that some time when i'm lacking ideas, so probably very soon knowing me.

The first thing that came up from this conversation that truly amazed me, was that one of my friends had never heard of nyan cat! To be honest though i'm not sure how surprising that might be to normal people who don't spend most there time surfing the web, but just in case you're one of "those" normal people who haven't heard of it : . Actually i probably should say if you want to keep your sanity, don't give it a listen, it's one of those that sticks with you, so that when you lying in bed trying to get to sleep, nyan nyan, and then it slowly gets louder, Nyan Nyan Nyan, then all of a sudden it's in full swing, NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN, ARRRGGGHHH, and there goes hours of sleep.

I honestly think i could make a horror movie based around nyan cat, it'll probably go something like jaws, but with someone sat in a room, maybe on the phone, or watching TV. Then they'll hear a noise, just enough to prick their ears without stopping what they're doing. Then again the noise will sound, ny ny, enticing them enough to stop to listen intentively. Slowly and slowly it would get louder and louder until they go to investigate, but of course they find nothing until they return to the original room, and there is nyan cat, and the person drops to the fall and either becomes some kind of crazed person or dies, i haven't put much thought into it so i don't know yet (ideas are welcome, but don't expect any share in the profits).

However i'm sure that many people already know about nyan cat, and that brings me onto the next piece of "music", which again (as a internet person) i will be devasted if people haven't heard of,
but i won't talk about it, just let you revel in the masterclass of swedemason.

There's so many more songs i can think of now to share with you, but i'm sure you are perfectly capable of finding your own internet music masterpieces. Just one more thing though, and this is truly the most epic undertaking one can do, if you remember the Lord of the Rings mix "Taking the hobbits to Isengard", then this will seem very similar, and so it should because it basically is, but with one annoying twist. It's 10 hours long, yes 10 whole hours, thats as long as all 3 of the movies, i would stongly advise that you don't try to listen to it for 10 hours, because i'm sure then all you'll ever say for the rest of your life will be "we're taking the hobbits to Isengard". 

And prehaps "Nyan Nyan".