Sunday, 9 December 2012

The Return of The Sun

For you the sun may have never gone away, but for the past 10 weeks i've been living in as room which had a serious deficiency of it. I walked into my new room today and bam it hit me, with full glory as well. I mean for a while sunglasses were and option so as to get used to it. The view of the bins and loading area for college isn't great i grant you, especially when compared to the nice tree lined road of previous, but that doesn't make an iota of difference to me now.

Sun! It has returned to me, though i might add not at the very moment, my room isn't magic or anything so no nightime sunshine for me... well not until i can find the funding for my... plans, totally normal plans which have little to do with any kind of world domination. Why the heck would i want sunshine at night? well to be honest, i only just thought of that, but it would have some positive side effects for me, but also thinking about it now some drawbacks.

The main reason i like sun so much is down to the fact of the way it makes me feel. Happy? No, not anymore than the usual person, what it does exceed in doing though is making me very sleepy. With sun shining through my window a nap is only seconds away, and i'm not exaggerating, during study leave this was a regular occurrence. During the time of the day when it blessed my room with it's presence i just lay on my floor and slept, simple as. It was great times and made the day so much better and relaxing, which is exactly what you need during revision... well revision would also help, which was found lacking due to the sun induced naps.

So there's one drawback really, with sun work is even harder to do, though i'm at uni now so i should be more responsible, i'm sure i can use it as some sort of incentive to working: finish this and give yourself a well deserved hour nap. Hopefully that'll work, otherwise i could be scuppered next term, though having said this Pokemon is currently having a similar effect on my work ethic. In my defence the only work i have, i have done at least 70% of and i can't do much more until resolving a few queries, so i'm not just skiving. Also how can i work when i've assemble the crack team of Pokemon, there's: Geoff the gastly, Colin the furret, Mc-Owlface the hoothoot, Sprigy the hopit, Nils the sandshrew and the space for one more key member.

As you may have guessed the Nuzlocke challenge is going well, although i really want to forget the challenge now and just pursue the normal game just with these Pokemon and one other hardly used one. The major problem i have is that after naming them i can't face to replace them and so i'm just going for it with them. Updates will continue as my goal of reaching the Elite four by friday stays strong.

The only thing that has happened due to the sun, is the lack of wintery feeling now, which has slightly halted my festivities, but the next week i'm sure will be packed with such as to make up for it, and i will get used to having the sun back anyway, but never forgot the joy it has brought. So in a similar way i hope that i don't forgot the joy of this Christmas season, even if i have somewhat got used to it.

Day 9 - New surroundings, though no sun to emphasis my point as it's 8pm

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