Saturday, 8 December 2012

Packing, Packing... Pokemon!

So it's packing day today, and having tried to sort a suitcase out for going home next weekend, i will have to pack again next week, as... well it wasn't the best packed. Surprisingly though i seem to have nearly everything fitting in the boxes i brought up with me. Everything apart from my computer, monitor and other computer things (because i'm using them at the moment). Then there's the printer, which still has no ink and so is sat uselessly on my shelf, my power adaptors, laptop, desk lamp, hats, coats and jackets... ok so a lot really hasn't fitted. I'm still not sure how i have this much stuff, so tomorrow is going to be a fun day of carrying things to and fro.

Enough about all that, that's not important at all, what is more important is my starting of a new pokemon game on my laptop. Having not played since last talking about it here, i felt that the time had come to restart but i didn't want it to be anything normal. As you may remember (i'd be impressed if you do) last time round i cheated, no not cheated, used my initiative to acquire a dratini as my starter pokemon to make it more interesting. 

The reason i want to play now, is because i really want to have a go at the Nuzlocke challenge (look it up if needs be). And with what promises to be oodles of time, now is the perfect time especially since it'll end with a 3 hour train journey. So there's another challenge really i can try to defeat the elite four by the end of this week. This will of course in no way affect my CAD project which also needs to get done this week... no way at all, because after all CAD is just so much more exciting than Pokemon... 

As of now i haven't actually started the challenge, i gave this blog the priority. Now don't get too up yourselves thinking that your better than Pokemon, that'd be difficult to argue, i mean Pokemon, c'mon. However i know from previous experience that if i don't take the first opportunity to write a post, i will forget, guaranteed. And i'm determined to make this advent challenge without any failures. So don't worry whilst the week is beginning to fill up with things, this blog will still get priority. Also if you were worrying then i'd suggest you need to find something else to do, really do, i mean it's Christmas how can you worry about this.

So this next week is going to be a festive, chilled out, pokemon filled extravaganza, and then the week after will be just as awesome, even without the pokemon, as however good Durham is, it will be great to be back home with my friends and most likely back at the pub.

Day 8 - I have now all packed up and i forgot about the picture until after this, but i promise you the calendar is there somewhere

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