M7R: Intro
Intro? you say. To what? you say. Well honestly that is currently something i'm asking myself atm. This is just one of my several "oo that would be a good idea" ideas and that was definitely how i felt yesterday and today... well i thought to myself is it really such a good idea, but since you're reading this you know that i have just gone for it, and thrown caution to the wind. Also i do have another similar thing to this hopefully coming later this week, but i will have to see how i feel then.
So back to this thing, well to summarize it in a couple of sentences: After making a comment to my friend Emma, about how i seem to listen to a different artist each week, i've set myself the challenge of listening to a different album each week (enforcing that statement) and i thought hey why not write about this in some sort of blog review thing. So that's it basically, a music review although saying that i'm not one to have strong opinions on music and tend to listen to a wide range so the reviews will vary from genre to genre and will mostly be not very critical or in anyway probably helpful.
Just a few points i've come up with to help with this task is a general template, which knowing me will change constantly (hopefully for the better), this will involve: a top 3 list of my 3 favourite songs on the album and a list of my skippable songs i.e. songs that i'd prefer to skip than listen to; and probably the way i found the music most enjoyable, as i spend much of my day listening to music, whether that be driving, revising, reading, eating crisps or just listening to the music.
So i think that's mostly all i wanted to say, the first proper M7R will be next monday and should hopefully be run weekly, however if i can't make it to a computer i might have to post a few weeks at a time. Finally i would love to hear some input, whether that'd be album suggestions (new and old, i'm listening to them all, but i'm trying to find less well known ones), new ideas for the blog in general or M7R specifically (constructive criticism only please, and maybe even some positive comments who knows). Now this is where i would like to introduce you to my new fancy blog email... *trumpet fanfare* venividiblogavi@live.com this would be the ideal place to send your comments or you know just comment below either is fine, just one's not public.
So that is that, i think. If you think i've forgotten anything just say, and if i remember anything i've forgotten i will post it in the next M7R. Apart from that regular VVB will continue, this will just run alongside. See you next monday for the first exciting (hopefully) M7R installment.
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