I'm sure though that all my money hasn't gone into sorting out summer, it can't have, can it? I just have this niggling feeling that somewhere large amounts of money have slipped through; i sort of wished i had some sort of accounts or something to help me get rid of the feeling, by letting me look back and go "well that's where it all went", although it wouldn't help the lack of cash thinking about it. Right now all i can do is attempt to think back and remember what I've spent in the last few months and for me that's a very difficult task. I mean what did i spend last week, i just don't know. A prime example of this was last month when i bought some clothes and then for the next few days sat wondering where £30 had disappeared to, even when wearing said clothes i couldn't remember.
So that's part of the spending mystery sorted, and i deem it was a necessary expense as part of uni prep. I mean i can't go to uni with only one nerdy t shirt, i need at least 6 and coincidentally i now own 6! Then there's trousers which aren't jeans, because weirdly i didn't own a pair before, all i had were loads of pairs of jeans. Lastly but definitely not least on the clothes front is my blazers, of which the number i own has doubled now thanks to a sale. Then there were blue suede shoes, shorts and some sunglasses as well, so really i reckon i can put a large amount down to clothes.
However i think i know where the smaller change has gone, and when i say smaller change i mean lots of small change so it probably adds up to a sizable sum actually. That has most likely gone to the worldwide establishment which is McDonald's. And no i don't have meals from McDonald's regularly, although in the past few months I've had about 3 meals from there, the real problem is the late night trips for McFlurrys. These trips have become a little tradition with my friends and honestly i think that buying a McFlurry nearly every week was a worthwhile expense as there's been some good McFlurry moments... that sounds like it could become some sort of mini-series or something... hmmmm maybe.
Then on top of that i have already booked 4 holidays this summer, and that has come to quite a summation and frankly if i cared to total the cost of them i'm not sure i would be comfortable with the amount spent, especially since that's just the core cost, there's still the actually spending on the holidays to come, and i don't mean gifts and such i mean food and petrol, so not exactly avoidable costs. As always i try to find the positive, and what i can say is that this summer is going to be pretty fun, apart from the boring bits between going away... maybe i need more holidays... no can't afford them, damn.
So i think that probably accounts for my lost money actually. Not that thinking about what I've spent money on in the past will help me in the future where i will be scraping the barrel at some points, i guess i can always just forgo on food, that's much less important than blazers. The old frugal Sean will have to return i guess for summer, and i do like frugal Sean, but cutting back on McFlurrys and nerdy shirts could be a real difficulty. On the positive side though, i am going to uni soon and the frugal prep work might put me in good stead for then, i suppose.
Actually the title is probably a bit wrong in the end. Although my finances are not looking great, at least i have no debt, well apart from to parents... and friends, ok not that much debt. Also i know i can cut back on spending without fear of strikes or protests, unless i turn on myself... maybe there could be tension actually then, i don't trust that Sean character... sorry got a bit sidetracked, what i was saying was unlike the Greek crisis i can see a clear route out. Even if i have to cut back and scrimp my way through summer, at least it'll be an enjoyable and sunny few months of my life... actually maybe scrap the sunny part.
Mmmmm flatbread:
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