Saturday, 5 May 2012

The Pen-Ultimate Decision

So with exams around the corner and university beckoning (if all goes well), i've finally decided to embark upon the arduous journey of buying a proper pen. You know one which you refill instead of chucking away and moving onto the next free promotional pen. It time i made the next step into adulthood with the purchase of my very own pen. Now although this sounds like a simple and easy process, it is not for me, for whatever reason, i frankly don't know what the reason could be, but trust me there is one.

A little side-fact about my pen consumption up till now (and i hinted at it earlier) is that i've only ever bought about 5 pens in my 18 years on this planet, all the others have been acquired using various methods (legal methods i might add). My whole of high school was spent fluctuating between various (and probably quite impressively numerous) free promotional pens, and the ones from hotels (which are totally ok to take, just watch friends). For example looking around my desk atm, bearing in mind most of my stationary resides in various locations around my room which aren't my desk, here are the pens i have: P&O ; U.W.E. ; Edinburgh Castle (which i never nor has any in my family bought) ; The Lake District (same situation as the Edinburgh Castle) ; Holiday Inn ; H.R.M.C. ; Alton Towers ; the obligatory university pens ; and a lot more lurking under the definitely useful junk on my desk.

Once upon a time i used a fountain pen, which was one of the pens i've ever bought, although i did have 4 fountain pens at one point, only one i bought. Which leads me one to problemo uno, what type of pen do i want? Rollerball, fountain or ballpoint? Now having been forced to use fountain pens during my youth, they are a no goer, especially since although i can write cursive it is illegible, and thus fountain pens were ruled out very quickly.

Then there were 2... and tbh i didn't have any idea what a rollerball was since i have never used one before and so ball point was the choice. However it isn't now, ever since i found (yet another free) rollerball pen from L.A. International, and have been using it for some time now, and it is brilliant. So that was that rollerball was the choice. This was cemented at the discovery of green ink refills for rollerballs, as well as many other colours; that means my notebooks won't be filled with dreary black inked notes, but awesome coloured doodles!

Then there was just the frankly simple choice of choosing an actual pen left. How on earth can there be so many different styles of pen, and i don't mean across the whole pen choice, i mean just Lamy and Parker i'm looking at and my eyes have been swamped by so so many different styles and colours. But after some time was spent scrolling down the pics and picking out a few, then unpicking a few because of price (£50 for a pen anyone?), i've finally made the Pen-Ultimate decision (just thought i'd make a title reference, since i love title references) and it should hopefully arrive in time for my exams, as i don't think examiners will react kindly to answers in pencil (something i've resorted to lately, since my good pens have run out).

Now if you have a pen story of your own feel free to tell it me, but i can promise i won't be listening, and if you've read through this whole post and enjoyed it, maybe you're a bit weird. It's a post about pens for goodness sake, i've only written it because i'm bored waiting for the FA Cup to kick off. I mean what else could i be doing with my time...
 hey shut up conscious, i said i don't have anything else to do.

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