Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Revision, Revision.... Pokemon!

So it's that time of year again, but this year it has a greater precedent as how well i do in the next few months will determine where i will spend the next 4 years of my life studying. Quite daunting thought and you would think that would put me into the right mind for some solid studying over the Easter holidays, indeed that is what i thought just two weeks ago. Oh how long ago does that seem now, because unfortunately even with best intentions in my mind, yet again as many-a-time before it has occurred, something (or as it normally turns out things) have shown a way out of the unpleasant task of having to face the fact that i need to get some work done. And yet again this task of potentially ruining my education has fallen to the ever-brilliant Pokemon.

Ok yes i know i'm 18 but who cares Pokemon is still as awesome as it always has been especially now i've managed to get it on my netbook, enabling Dratini to potentially be best ever starter Pokemon. Now for those of you who have never played Pokemon and are wondering what on earth i'm chatting about, there's one simple solution: get the game, you will not be disappointed (although like Star Wars stick to the original). Of course i've been off for a week now, so surely i can't have spent all that time playing Pokemon, could i?

Actually this time, surprisingly, that is correct. I haven't spent all that time playing Pokemon, i mean i'm not playing it now in fact... otherwise i wouldn't be able to focus on typing but instead be writing something along the line of: "Damn you and your hyper potion" (i mean seriously why do the gym leaders always use hyper potion, it's sooo annoying) or "Enjoy your bath" (as i use surf) or indeed other puns/ awesome Horatio Cane style phrases, i might get my sunglasses out to add to the effect whilst staring into the distance walking in some dramatic style (i have to admit that Horatio's phrases were the only reason i watched CSI: Miami, and i suspect this might be true for others as well.)

And just in case you're wondering, no i didn't spend the holiday watching CSI: Miami. I wouldn't waste studying time to watch some TV show. No i watched The Big Bang Theory, since that is not just some TV show, it is one epic show, although slightly irritating due to all jokes at the expense of engineering, but hey-ho at least for my final year project i get to build and test something (maybe even race it) instead of sitting around with test tubes or drowning in books and papers of theoretical physics. That is, of course if i stop watching TBBT and get studying for my exams, otherwise i won't be doing any of that.

Alas there has been a lot of other stuff going on aswell. Last week i stayed in Suffolk, which is filled with very old buildings and anglo-saxon stuff but more importantly 7% cider which was quite easily the best way to end the lent-water diet. Then of course the important morning lie-in, as studies have shown that a good nights sleep leads to good learning state-of-mind, although if the lie-in stops the learning occurring i'm not so sure it entirely works.

So here i am with only a few days left of the holiday with no work done, but plenty of it to do and 6 exams to sit in the summer (including for some reason still unbeknown to me, even though i agreed to doing it (my maths teacher should really be a salesman), a 3 hour non-calculator STEP paper; and the other worrying thought that i've self-taught one of them, so that may not end well...) It's going to be a long final 6 weeks of school, but at least i can be safe in the knowledge that i have study leave and all it's studying time to come. Which means it can be put to it's best use: completing my Pokemon game before the summer holiday.

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