Of course this isn't the only thing that is different from the visions in my head, what would life be like if everything were? Probably quite nice actually, but i'm sure something along the lines of missing the unknown and spontaneity should be mentioned here, but then again studying engineering means i don't have to consider such questions,so anyone who is studying a subject that is concerned with questions as such, feel free to use the time not in lectures to answer it for me (sorry couldn't resist a quick) Also it coincidentally leads me onto my point (and it was in fact a total coincident, i rarely know where my posts are going).
I don't have as many lectures as i had thought i would! This was a nice surprise i got last week, having been given my timetable. I mean only two 9am starts! I'm sure if i showed some people it, they would not like the look of it, but i was under the impression of a much worse situation, though 6pm finish on friday slightly throws a dampener on it. Who cares though, i don't really, i'm still excited by the prospect of actually having free time. Which by a crazy random happistance, brings me to the case of filling said free time, another thing i've found different from my imagination.
Having not looked at a single society before leaving for the beautiful north east (a compliment to the locals won't hurt), i was expecting a plethora of hobbies that enticed me to fill my spare time. As you might have guessed, this was not the case at all. In total i think i joined 3 uni societies and some college ones, although having said that they have managed to organise them all at similar times annoyingly, and with no access to a cloning machine (again engineering can't help that much here), that number will most likely have to be cut. Already hill walking and caving are out the window, if just because of the cold weather that would accompany them (and definitely nothing to do with my preference of lazing about over exercise).
Again this leads me on to the next difference (things are tying up really nicely today). The old small talk opener, the weather. Yes it's cold, but not as cold as i thought it'd be, i haven't used a coat yet, although that is partially due to me not wanting too until winter truly arrives, so i'll be somewhat acclimatised. Luckily though my hopeful image of little rain seems to be holding up well. Ok, i suppose it did tip it down during matriculation (the only time i had to be outside), but that was pretty much it. All the other time has been accompanied with glorious blue sky, with a few wispy clouds, which coincidentally is my favourite type of sky; the clouds are very good for daydreaming, and by the looks of things this could become my major past time if these clashes keep happening.
Apart from all that everything is just how i imagined: the small room; cluttered spaces, well not as cluttered as home, but then i haven't fully unpacked yet; good food, not as good as home but much better than a lot of food i've happily eaten before; late nights chatting on the landing; budgeting, my spreadsheet is quite impressive if i have to say so myself; and many other things that currently escape my mind and will thusly be put into a general generic uni stuff category.
First week of uni has been great, if you hadn't gotten that impression from this post already, and that i expected. What i hadn't expected, to be honest, is the writing of this post, i know i promised to try and become more regularly in blogging, but i didn't expect to find the motivation to do that until later this term, so yeh it's not just uni that's surprised me. Having said that, i haven't quite got my timetable all sorted yet, so this will become weekly but for now it won't be assigned to a particular day; i'm certain within time, a day will be naturally selected as a good day for blogging, but for now this blog will still remain slightly random and spontaneous, that you can expect.
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