So really the title of this post should in fact be "Sorry for being too lazy and unmotivated to even try to write anything in the oodles of free time i've had" but that is way to long winded and self deprecating. Also i'd like to think that in between the pointless games of solitaire i actually did some useful things, well useful in comparison to said games of solitaire.
Firstly i underwent a mini renaissance of literature, having read 8 times the amount of books in the past 2 weeks than i've read on my kindle since getting it, and also 8 times the amount of books that i've read in pretty much the past two years. Yes i read a whole 8 books, which sounds impressive until you realise that in the past 2 years i had only read 1 book cover to cover, though in my defense i've read a lot of Sherlock Holmes aswell, it's just that the book is quite large. And as my friend's have already asked those 8 books weren't Mr.Men, i couldn't find my Mr.Men books otherwise the count would have been much greater. In fact the kindle has inspired me to read some classics (and some hitchhiker's, but they're essentially classics), so now i've added the likes of Frankenstein, treasure island and Dracula to my repoirtoire.
And the cultural enlightenment didn't stop there, well it did to some extent but i'll get to that, for right outside my cabin was an art gallery and in St.Petersburg i went to the Hermitage where i saw some works by the likes of Da Vinci, Rafael, Monet, Picasso, Michelangelo and many more. However as mentioned before i'm not sure whether to count that as enlightenment, but all i did in the end was along the lines of: "oo that looks nice, i like the colours in it" or "why on earth is that painting worth that much? i wouldn't buy it". But i blame that more on my ineptitude of the artistic lexicon, whenever i look at art i tend to mumble something that makes perfect sense in my head, but little sense out of it and so i think maybe with a bit of training i might be able to translate my thoughts to artistic comments (otherwise known as utter made-up waffle).
So yeah that's pretty much what i've been doing for the past 2 weeks, that and eating dishes i've never heard off. Oh of course there was also all the actually visiting different cities, that was probably the most important part, and i'm thinking of writing a bit of a vvb style guidebook of the various places i've visited (and when i say vvb style i of course mean, pretty much useless and highly opinionated and so should not be used as any kind of guide). Then on top of that, having a week of sitting at home doing nothing is giving so much to write about (so much more than 2 weeks of visiting exciting cities and different cultures). Which means that in my head i've currently got a few posts brewing which should arrive on the internet at some point in the next few weeks, which is sort of my way of apology for the past weeks.
Let me take this time then to say hope you're having a good holiday and if you're not then stop moping around and make it a gudden'. That's what i've tried to do and it's working so far, with the price to pay of... well... price really, i'm having a great time, it's just the scraping around to find cash to pay for the food and transport of the holidays i paid for that is the problem. But as the saying goes, it's better to scrimp and enjoy yourself, than save and have a miserable time (and in case you haven't heard of that saying there is a very good reason, that being that i've just made it up.)
Have a froody summer!
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