Wednesday 26 October 2011

A Little Birdy Told Me

Ever had that feeling where you're not sure whether a post is worth posting on facebook, because it's too short; completely inane; or something which people frankly just won't care about? If your answer is no, i don't believe you but i'll let you live in your imaginary world, but for me i'll happily admit that i've felt this. So why you may ask have i posed this question, surely i wouldn't ask something without wanting to write about it. And you know what, you'd be right and i of course already have a preprepared solution to this problem which you may have guessed from the title. No prizes for the answer then, because of course it's Twitter.

Yep, i have finally joined Twitter after several months of differing and dallying about whether people would care about everything i care to share (which in case you haven't seen my tweets, is pretty much anything). But you know what apparently some completely random strangers do, which i find very weird and quite an unusual phenomenon of the modern digitalised age. First of all why would anyone feel the need to share every little detail about their life? And secondly why would anyone want to read any of this info?

Well you would expect me to know the answer to theses question since that is the situation i find myself in, however thinking about it, i'm not sure how to answer this question. So if anyone would like to provide some input then feel free to comment below and then maybe i'll be able to do a sort of full length feature on it. But my first instinct is that all that has happened is the moving of inane conversation from face to face talking onto the internet. When i think about why i started this blog all i can think is that it was to fill in spare time and to share my random world views with others, where perhaps i wouldn't in everyday life.

And there it is i think, there is the reason, the internet's two effects. The first obviously being the the wide reach it has (in fact world wide reach, hence the world wide web name), and that can be seen in the stats for my blog where it's seemed to reached the USA, Germany and Russia. As a side note hello global blog followers whoever you are. The second of course being that it provides a sort of invisible barrier between you and the outside world, whilst i'm not anonymous (an idea i did ponder) i still feel that i can say things on here which i wouldn't ordinarily.

Anyway that's all for that psychological study, i may do some more research into it, but i highly doubt that i will. Currently i need to go back to my sick computer, and try to figure out what's wrong with it, and get round to fixing it, but it's already sounding like a good post idea. But if i don't have enough for a post at least i can now tweet all about it.